Friday, November 29, 2013

When the bats come out for dinner

Welcome!  I have started a blog in the hope of documenting some of the great things I get to experience at the University of Washington.  I am a new graduate student and I have a passion for morphology in many fields functional to ecological.  I love to draw and take pictures and one of my goals for starting a blog is to remind me to set aside more time to do such activities.

Firstly, I wanted to catch up on some of the important events that have happened in my life this last couple months.

I am part of a new research lab at the University of Washington, I am both new to the lab and starting at a brand new lab!   I have been adjusting to learning about the wonders & diversity of mammals (coming from a rather fishy background) and incorporating a suit of new technology from laser scanners to CT scanners.  Access to this technology is a wonderland for a functional morphologist, like myself.

First things first, let's go all the way back to October. Our lab was featured at a donor dinner  and all of our lab members talked about some specialty area of research in the lab.  One of our undergrads talked about skull shape in carnivores, our lab tech discussed our awesome CT scanner and the graduate students talked about bat diversity both tropical and temperate.

 The table.
 Elena and her carnivores from bats to leopards!
We went a little batty...

1 comment:

  1. Is that a bat from the Family Megadermatidae in the bottom right in the tray of bat specimens? Only asking because I'm working on that family from my dissertation and so i've become quite familiar with them.
    Also, I just stumbled across your blog by accident while looking up other bat stuff!
